Friday, December 4, 2009
Elizabeth's School Work
If I sailed on the Mayflower I would bring Pelos and blanckets, close, and stufft animail.Because it might get cold and you need close and I would get bored so I would bring a stuft animal.
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7:49 AM
Elizabeth's Thankful List
I can't toss these lists, without recording them.
Her list she made at school;
My Family
My ant and unckles
My home
My Gramma's and papas
My old cat Arail
My friends
My cusin's
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7:42 AM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Eric turns 2
Eric turned 2 on September 14th. Even though we had celebrated earlier in the month we couldn't let the day go by. As tradition has it, he got to pick the dinner menu. PIZZA! He announced several times. So we had pizza and cupcakes, Happy Bithday Little Guy. He's growing up way to fast. Here's a bit about him at 2. Can't get enough fruit snacks, juice, and crackers. Loves to play ball. Can toss the football, kick the soccer ball, and shoot the basketball. Loves the water, whether it's dumping out all the water bottles on the grass, or flooding the bathroom with the bath tub. He has his own opinions now. After folloeing everything Ethan's done for two years, he's aquired his own likes and dislikes. And of you differ in opinion, watch out he's rough. He'll tackle you to the ground, or just bodyslam you. He has a great sense of humor, and loves to make faces to make us laugh. And I love the way he wraps his arms so tight around my neck everytime I get a hug.
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11:08 AM